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Inter School Fest at Swarnim International School
  • Event Date: 22-Apr-2024
  • Updated On: 09-May-2024
  • Total Photo(s): 6
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Description: A call to Action for the Next Generation Swarnim International School hosted Planet vs Plastic - an Inter School Fest on 22nd April, 2024 to mark the occasion of Earth Day organized by Spark Economy Research Centre. The event was marked by a host of activities like Debate, Quiz , essay writing, poster making and exhibition with the theme of NEW PLASTIC ECONOMY. Many eminent schools and personalities expressed their concerns and views through the various activities organized by the institute. Ms Swati Sarawagi, Director of Swarnim International school emphasized on the need to empower future generations to combat climate changes as they are the drivers as well as the facers of climate change. More than 200 school ambassadors pledged to refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose and then recycle to minimize landfill waste. St. Joseph's College, Kolkata actively participated in all the events securing second position in the Quiz and debate competition. Adway Ghoshal of class 8 secured second position in the Debate competition and Ipshito K. Ghosh and Rwishya Pyne of class 11 bagged the second prize in the Quiz competition. The event resonated with the importance of youth leadership in combating climate change.
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